My MAC Blush Palette


Going to Hawaii for our honeymoon was such a great experience - and MAC was definitely on my hit-list! I set out with the goal of creating a neutral eyeshadow palette and also a blush palette. Here's how I put together my MAC Blush Palette!IMG_2126 IMG_2130I separated all my eyeshadows from blushes. In the store I wanted a range of colours and I know I already had too many peachy colours at home so I tried to stay away from them. IMG_2139Here is my blush palette and insertIMG_2144I then figured out what order I wanted them to be in and was ready to pop them into the insert. They went in so easily - I was so surprised!IMG_2147 IMG_2149And there you have it! my MAC Blush Palette! Top is "Well Dressed", "Stay Pretty" and "Fleur Power". Bottom is "Melba", "Springsheen" and "Sculpt".IMG_2150The swatches are in order, "Well Dressed", "Stay Pretty", Fleur Power", "Melba", "Springsheen" and "Sculpt"IMG_2181Although I have 5 blushes and a contour, my obsession has just begun and I want more! What are your favourite blushes from MAC? What should I be putting on my wish-list?Stay tuned for my Neutral Eye Shadow Palette Post up next week!oxo Crystal


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